Business and Management

Explain the importance of environmental sustainability

Prepare a 7-8 page paper discussing board strategies around corporate sustainability, specifically related to their contribution to environmental sustainability. First, explain the importance of environmental sustainability; second, select a company that has succeeded at becoming a role model in environmental sustainability. Provide a company and board profile, initiatives, and outcomes. – no passive voice – […]

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Date: May 7th, 2022

Miscommunication between manager level employees and entry level employees

Team Project (Written Report & Oral Presentation) BUAD 301 – 200 Points Due on Monday, May 9th (Groups 1-4), or Wednesday May 11th (Groups 5-8) DO NOT REFERENCE ANYTHING TO BUAD 301 IN THE PRESENTATION AND REPORT. THIS IS A PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATION AND REPORT AS IF YOU WERE IN A BUSINESS ORGANIZATION. Assignment overview: Your […]

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Date: May 7th, 2022

How has your perspective of the Docorate Stragetic Leadership (DSL) changed since the beginning of the term? How, or why?

Based on your experience(s) in this course…please address each of the questions below: How has your perspective of the Docorate Stragetic Leadership (DSL) changed since the beginning of the term? How, or why? What are some surprising things you learned this term, why? What are three important things you take away from the course that […]

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Date: May 7th, 2022

Scenario BOT Inc. is a robotics software company with 100 employees located in Austin, Texas, in the United States.

Scenario BOT Inc. is a robotics software company with 100 employees located in Austin, Texas, in the United States. Up until now, the culture has been fairly strongly established as a rigid culture with detailed policies and procedures. Everyone has an explicit job description. The company hires mostly locals, and only directors make any important […]

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Date: May 7th, 2022

Given a chosen company, the student will detect and evaluate the political and legal limitations and barriers for the company using both the Domestic and Global environments.

LO – 5 – Given a chosen company, the student will detect and evaluate the political and legal limitations and barriers for the company using both the Domestic and Global environments. Prompt: Write a paper that covers the following: 1. Describe and integrate the political and legal environments/structures of your selected company’s home (domestic) country […]

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Date: May 7th, 2022

Disney Company

I copied and pasted the instructions, Make sure you do DISNEY COMPANY since this the second part. In this project, you will analyze the business you have chosen in part one and continue to look at the company from its financial decisions and outcomes and its marketing strategies and human stakeholders. 1. Use the same […]

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Date: May 6th, 2022

Porter’s Competitive Strategies

Choose any one of these topics to conduct the review on. · Porter’s Competitive Strategies · Miles and Snow’s Strategy Typology · Operations strategy and planning · Bureaucratic Organizations · Chaos Theory · Hawthorne Studies · Organizational Theory · Organizational Behavior · Scientific Management · Organizational Structure · Supply Chain Structures and Relationships · Collaborative […]

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Date: May 6th, 2022

Supply chain contracting: study the supplier/manufacturer relationships in an industry/compny How has it evolved over the last 10 years

These are the options for topics of the paper. You can select any 1 topic to write about, it doesn’t matter to me which one you pick. a) Industry report: study an industry which has experienced significant changes in their logistics management and warehousing operations supply chain management during the last 10 years b) Study […]

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Date: May 6th, 2022

a) Despite its adverse effect on cost and liquidity ,most companies rely heavily on inventories. Explain the different reasons for holding inventories as well as the underlying trade-offs and corresponding types of inventories.

a) Despite its adverse effect on cost and liquidity ,most companies rely heavily on inventories. Explain the different reasons for holding inventories as well as the underlying trade-offs and corresponding types of inventories. (15 marks) b) Using an appropriate case example,discuss how emerging digital technologies enable companies to manage their inventories more effectively. (10 marks)

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Date: May 6th, 2022