Business and Management

Consider the following in developing your answer:

This graded online discussion presents you with the following real-life legal problem: Dawn is a driver for Fast As We Can Delivery. She is a longtime employee and has the use of her delivery vehicle to get her to and from work. One evening after she completed her shift, Dawn is asked by her supervisor, […]

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Date: October 27th, 2022

What does it mean to add value in a relationship?

When is an ideal time to build relationships? What does it mean to add value in a relationship? What are some examples of maintaining relationships? How would you incorporate inclusion and being trustworthy when it comes to relationship building? What are some of the differences between PR and Marketing? List some of the benefits of […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Evaluate how the two theories might interact with one another.

Assume you are the manager of the department where you currently work. If you are not currently working, use a past situation or a hypothetical situation; be sure to describe it. Select two leadership theories that you believe will be most useful in managing your staff. Select different theories or different combinations of theories than […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Why or why not?

Please just copy and answer the questions. One attachment is the case and the other one has the three frameworks and some background information. 1-Should Sean Ansett report this Tunisia factory to the local authority? Why or why not? Please use three frameworks in ethical decision-making (one of this session’s readings) to guide your decision. […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Identify and analyse the causes of your weakness and apply theories, concepts, and tools that you have learned from this course.

This assessment task requires you to reflect on your own intercultural effectiveness, apply theories, concepts or tools you have learnt from this course, and create an action plan that you can undertake to improve your intercultural effectiveness in the future. You will be required to conduct self reflections and develop an action plan through a […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Describe and analyze the legal responsibility of chick-fil-a.

Describe and analyze the Legal responsibility of Chick-fil-A. Is it abiding by the global regulations, etc. The model/template to follow and that sets the measures is A. Caroll’s Corporate Social Responsibility pyramid. The paper is requiered to follow APA format. The paper is expected to be in the general format discussed in Appendix A.

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Date: October 24th, 2022

How do you know (that this is in increase or a decrease)?

Review the videos, Basic Productivity and How to Calculate a Change in Productivity, then complete the following Productivity Problems: 1. A crew that installs carpeting has the following output in each of the last 2 weeks: This week: 600 feet of carpeting installed over 250 man hours. Last week: 500 feet of carpeting installed over […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

What problem does it solve for your job, customers, or audience?

Week 4 Assignment – Strategic Communications Plan Outline Instructions: The outline below asks you a series of questions that will help you write your communication proposal due in Week 8. Answering these questions thoroughly will give you an outline to use to write your proposal. Step 1 Select a topic for your informative or persuasive […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

What is the history of ge?

For the invited speaker, you will write a minimum 500-word essay about one of the companies that Carlos Gomez worked in or currently works for or one of the analyses he describes. You will need to cite at least one source. You can use a reputable website, news article, or business article. For example, you […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022