Business and Management

Discuss how the city has the power to take Bailey’s property.

Bailey’s Brake Service, a business that is a bit of an eyesore, is located at a main intersection near the downtown area of Denton, Texas. Bailey’s is a family-owned business that has operated at its location since 1970. Pioneer Diner is a local cafe that also is a longstanding business in the location next to […]

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Date: October 16th, 2022

Prepare a strategic plan

Prompt: Prepare a strategic plan that contains the following sections: Executive Summary Company Overview (with ticker symbol) Company History Products and or services Operations Vision Mission Statement Corporate Values & Culture SWOT Analysis Competition Management team/Leadership Financial Outlook (financial predictors) Strategies Conclusion Instructions: Paper must be written in 7th Edition APA format using headers, headings, […]

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Date: October 16th, 2022

market plan

This market plan have three parts. The fist two parts have been finished and attached for your reference. I also attached the parts three writing instruction. You just need to do the financial analysis + summary(highlighted yellow area). Carefully follow the instruction.

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Date: October 16th, 2022

Write a business memo addressed to Bonnie B’s Peppers that summarizes your recommended strategies to improve their business.

After your final presentation to Bonnie B’s Peppers, you’ll be writing a business memo addressed to them that summarizes your recommended strategies to improve their business. This assignment is get you familiar with business memo writing before we begin our final business memo for this class. Instructions: 1. Read through the 2 articles on How […]

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Date: October 16th, 2022

Analyze the structure of an organization and role of IT

Team Research Project • Weight 35% of the final grade • Due no later than 11:00 p.m. on Sunday of Unit 2, 4, 9, and 10 Objectives Upon successful completion of this assignment, students will have achieved the following: • develop experience in working within a team • review a real-world business and its IT […]

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Date: October 16th, 2022

Justify the salaries and placement of the three new positions, one brand manager and two product sales representatives, within the revised job-value structure.

SCENARIO:You are the human resources manager of Endothon Company, which helps its clients eliminate paper use by automating their business processes. Endothon is implementing a new software program and faces the challenge of hiring additional staff to help sell and support the program. The company has been in business for five years and currently has […]

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Date: October 16th, 2022

What were the challenges faced?

Explore two (2) journal articles regarding a contemporary crisis. Relevant articles would be dated after 2010 (to present). Consider the following situation–and then respond to the questions. Be sure to use APA formatting in your essays. Understanding how the success or failure of an emergency response depends on the size of the gap between the […]

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Date: October 16th, 2022