Business and Management

Research this issue and describe at least three factors that led to the employees’ unethical behavior and willingness to engage in fraud.

Case studies are an in-depth analysis of ethical problems requiring utilization of your higher order analytical skills and critical thinking which relate to the course objectives. Read the article below and answer the Case Study Questions. Wellsfargo Why Ethical People Make Unethical Choices.pdf (attatched it to files)**** Case Study Questions: 1a. Name the five barriers […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022

Write down their views of your ideas in a paragraph per person.

Come up with 3 business ideas (your own ideas) of new product or new service. Then write a paragraph to describe each of the ideas and explain why you think the idea is innovative/creative. Of the 3 business ideas, which do you think you should pursue? Explain why in one paragraph or more. Talk to […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022

In your submissions, accurately prepared references must be carefully checked against the original publication and formatted in apa style.

Essay Proposal There are two types of in-text citations — parenthetical citations and narrative citations. You may read more about these at These citation options will appear in the text of any scholarly writing, including your essays. Each citation should be supported by one complete reference in the reference list at the end of […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022

I want to please write a discussion post on flat organizations.

Hello, I want to please write a discussion post on flat organizations. The brief: “Would you like to work on a flat organization?” I need to discuss in the forum the pros and cons of working in a flat organizational structure and then take a clear stance on it, whether yes or no and why. […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022

Summarize the collective data about both industries as a whole.

Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to solve problems and make decisions that impact organizations and their stakeholders Scenario You have been asked to present your data findings and decision-making modeling to the leadership panel for feedback prior to the stakeholder meeting presentation. […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022

Discuss, briefly, the aspects of the proposed new business, such as the competitive priorities that roberts asked about.

Read Case: The Pert Mustang at the end of Ch. 7 (pp. 619). Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following points: Prepare the report that Vicky Roberts requested, assuming the project will begin immediately. Assume 45 working days are available to complete the project, including transporting the car to Detroit […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022

Select five articles from the uvi library and educational or professional business resources related to communication in a diverse and changing world/workplace.

Select five articles from the UVI Library and educational or professional business resources related to communication in a diverse and changing world/workplace. These articles should be current (written in the last five years). Write a summary of the articles, explain what you learned from them, and reflect on the key points. Write a summary of […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022

Identify the ethical issues

Organizational ethics paper Use the following format to identify the problem, the ethical issues, and the stakeholders. Then find alternative solutions, carefully evaluate each alternative, and make a recommendation. 1. Problem statement 2. What have you learned in this class that helps you understand or fix this problem 3. Identify the ethical issues 4. Identify […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022

Do not focus on one, mention all of them.

I need a paper written to reflect a ted talk video and compare it to different motivation theories. I will attach all the motivation theories below with some sources. “1) Write a reflection connecting the motivation theories to the Daniel Pink video. The essay should be approximately 1000 words, submitted electronically via Canvas.” (assignment) video: […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022

Isbn-13: 9781506362311

Discussion Post #1: The concept of leadership as a “vocation” greatly distinguishes leadership from a job, career, or what one simply does for a living. A vocation can be thought of as one’s calling. Vocation is often associated with the clergy or missionaries who feel called by a higher power to fulfill a specific purpose. […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022