Business and Management

pick an emergency from your experience and answer the following three questions: What were the challenges faced?

Explore two (2) journal articles regarding a contemporary crisis. Relevant articles would be dated after 2010 (to present). Consider the following situation–and then respond to the questions. Be sure to use APA formatting in your essays. Understanding how the success or failure of an emergency response depends on the size of the gap between the […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022

Describe the sound or music.

Directions: At the bottom of this page you will find the link to a recent television commercial. Maybe you remember seeing it on TV or online. Watch the ad multiple times to really get the feel for it. You will use this commercial as the basis of this assignment. You will choose one of each […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022

Discuss the need to improve the patient-family experience.

Discuss the need to improve the patient-family experience. Is having the family more involved merely “pushing the needed care required to treat the illness off” on the family so that hospitals can operate with fewer staff? Alternatively, is more patient-family involvement better overall for the patient and health care system at large? Discuss 3-5 key […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022

write a report about the sprint duration of 10 working days

Hello, I have some data on an excel document that represents the work my team work during a sprint duration of 10 working days (Sep-22 – Oct-5 2022) I have been task to write a report about the sprint. The goal of the report is to indicate that the team’s capacity was and has been […]

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Date: October 15th, 2022


REAL ESTATE LAW REPORT: You will do a research report on a federal or state law of your choice. The law must govern real estate or real estate transactions. In your report you must: 1) brief breakdown of the law: what does it govern and in which way does it govern (e.g. a disclosure, a […]

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Date: October 14th, 2022

Should companies like Tesla rely on government subsidies in selling their cars because they are better for the environment than traditional cars based on the old technology of traditional combustion engines?

Read the Closing Case: Tesla, Inc – Subsidizing Tesla Automobiles Globally on page 678 of the attached PDF. Then WRITE AN ARTICLE covering the topics: Should companies like Tesla, Inc. (Tesla) rely on government subsidies in selling their cars because they are better for the environment than traditional cars based on the old technology of […]

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Date: October 14th, 2022