Business and Management

Describe one legal obligation the employer in the scenario has, according to one of the following laws:

Describe common legal considerations for the creation and operation of a business organization. INTRODUCTION Today’s business environment requires leaders to have competency in effective organization design and to consider legal factors that influence whether strategic goals are achieved. In this task, you will discuss legal entity types and their influence on taxation, liability, and ownership […]

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Date: November 21st, 2022

Describe the main features of one of the following organizational structures that would meet the needs of the consulting business and explain how this structure applies to the scenario.

The paper explains how the structure of an organization impacts its effectiveness in the context of critical circumstances. INTRODUCTION: Today’s business environment requires leaders to have competency in designing organizations to effectively achieve strategic goals. In this task, you will choose an organizational structure that will positively affect a venture’s ability to effectively achieve goals […]

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Date: November 21st, 2022

Given all the information you’ve compiled on the company you chose and its ability or inability to satisfy its responsibilities, is your company a good corporate citizen?

Term Paper Assignment Description Due: 11/24/22 Worth: 280 points Deliverable: 10-12-page paper Description: An academic research paper of 10-12 pages in length, your Term Paper should include a title page (does not count toward length), be double spaced in Times New Roman 12 with 1” margins, and appropriately cite all sources referenced using APA formatting. […]

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Date: November 21st, 2022

Describe in a minimum of 150 words.

Instructions: This graded PowerPoint is about money. Do we really need money? Why is money important to us? Do we get rich by saving money? Students will review the included video and create a PowerPoint based on the following: Format: Write in 12 Font size. Include an image on each slide. Watch Video Schools don’t […]

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Date: November 21st, 2022

For your individual predictive model assignment you will have to complete the following steps: identify and obtain a sample time series data set (>=100 observations) using the data provided summary statistics for the variable of concern use appropriate charts & visualizations to summarize the data provide a write up about the nature of the data highlighting key trends & talking points fit multiple forecasting models to given data (>=3 models) visualize the next 5 forecasted points along with the given data

For your individual predictive model assignment you will have to complete the following steps: Identify and obtain a sample time series data set (>=100 observations) Using the data provided summary statistics for the variable of concern Use appropriate charts & visualizations to summarize the data Provide a write up about the nature of the data […]

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Date: November 21st, 2022

Assignment, you will present the skills and behaviorsnecessary to practice global interconnectedness in your field of study.

GB600-2: Practice global interconnectedness as it applies to your field of study. For the Unit 6 Microsoft PowerPoint assignment, you will present the skills and behaviorsnecessary to practice global interconnectedness in your field of study. Chapter 14 of the text(DuBrin, 2019) addresses the leadership challenges stemming from working in international andculturally diverse environments and how […]

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Date: November 21st, 2022

Explain, in one to two paragraphs, how your chosen product should be marketed in relation to meeting the needs and wants of your persona (e.g., the features and benefits of your chosen product that directly address your persona’s needs and wants).

Directions Product Selection: Begin by selecting which product you want to be the basis of your entire project. Specifically, choose one of the following products: Gourmet truffles with fruit, herb, and flower extract infusions Semisweet chocolate baking chips “Healthy” carob (chocolate substitute) bars Then, based on your product selection, complete the components below, which will […]

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Date: November 21st, 2022

Must utilize academic voice.

*See attached file for essay guideline. * Must be six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA 7 Style. *Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper in bold font Space should be between title and the rest of the information on the […]

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Date: November 21st, 2022