Business and Management

Identify the target customer.

Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Determine how an organization gains a competitive advantage Determine organizational risk and growth opportunities in order to develop a strategic plan Defend business decisions in support of an organization’s strategic plan Scenario It’s the moment of truth: your opportunity to demonstrate why […]

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Date: October 12th, 2022

Are all voices equally heard, and is diversity of the group reflected within the feedback?

References: Anderson, D. R. (1990). Increased productivity via group decisionmaking. SuperVision, 51(9), 6. [ProQuest] ( Sims, R. R. (2002). Chapter 8: Decision making. Managing Organizational Behavior. Westport, CT, USA: Greenwood Press, pp. 205-210. [eBook Academic Collection. Note – you don’t have to read the whole chapter, just the section on group decision-making] Assignment: Please watch […]

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Date: October 12th, 2022

Is the process capable at 3-sigma?

Develop a 7-page process improvement plan for a provided scenario or a business and process of your choice, using data to support your recommendations. Introduction This portfolio work project, a process improvement plan, will help you demonstrate competencies in process documentation, process analysis, and process improvement. Scenario For this assessment, choose either Option 1 or […]

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Date: October 12th, 2022

Explain the benefits of the change and how it will affect these teams.

An email to all affected employees Describe what is changing and why. Explain the benefits of the change and how it will affect employees. A brief three- to four-slide presentation to the human resources team with speaker notes as needed Describe what is changing and why. Explain the benefits of the change and how it […]

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Date: October 12th, 2022

Why or why not?

Students will use or research a company in which they are familiar with and detail the behavior and perception of risk (an emphasis on the evolution of the company’s risk management paradigm). Specifically, this paper should address four primary areas: (a) Describe the company’s existing perception of and behavior towards risk; (b) Analyze and explain/justify […]

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Date: October 12th, 2022

Write a response to the case and contrast it with the present environment of covid-19.

Marissa Mayer, former CEO of Yahoo!, sparked an international debate some years ago when she signed a memo that required all her employees to be physically present for work. Read the case at: Compare and contrast this case with the current situation that since March 2020, caused by COVID-19 global pandemic, several businesses and […]

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Date: October 12th, 2022

Also discuss how you will plan your work for the next 8 weeks.

Prior Work or Prospectus Progress Your work in this course leads toward your review of the scholarly literature in your field and writing the concept paper. For this unit, you will prepare an annotated bibliography of a minimum of ten sources, as well as write about the knowledge gap of your study. Your assignment will […]

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Date: October 12th, 2022

Explain how elements of a christian worldview could inform its practices to better contribute to the greater good.

Create an 6-9-minute video presentation of your extended executive summary. Do the following: In your video address all the points required in the instructions above. Make sure to clearly and persuasively articulate the business decisions you recommend. Also, in your presentation refer to your individual assignment in Topic 3. Explain how your company’s practices contribute […]

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Date: October 12th, 2022

When people feel as though where they shop and purchase items from is making a difference in the world, they will continue to purchase from that business.

Discussion 1: Reflect on your experience in this course. What do you consider as, potentially, the most important elements when working to improve an organization’s competitive advantage and create value for all stakeholders? (200 word count) Discussion 2: GCU’s Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work states that “Our work within the world matters […]

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Date: October 12th, 2022

Create a Market analysis regarding the patent that the hospital has created

Create a Market analysis regarding the patent that the hospital has created. Please focus on these 4 sections 1. Understand your competition- To be successful, you need a good understanding of your competitors, including their market saturation, what they do differently than you, and their strengths, weaknesses and advantages in the market. 2.Gather additional data […]

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Date: October 12th, 2022