Business and Management

Polishing Your Career Skills:

Hello, Need last minute help for a group project where I simply need an outline written for my part. IMPORTANT: The ONLY source of information needs to be based off the textbook used in class called: Hamilton, C. & Kroll, T. L. (2018), Communicating for results: A guide for business and the professions (11th ed.).” […]

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Date: September 29th, 2022

Resources vs Capabilities

Part 2 In-Class or Take-Home Assignment – Use the Coe’s Mexico Case Study to answer. Select 1 of the first FOUR of the following questions/areas of enquiry and prepare a commentary using and EMAIL format. And, answer #5. Assume that your boss has asked you the following questions and has asked you to respond? (300 […]

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Date: September 29th, 2022

Compare the two social media sites. Either WhatsApp® and Snapchat® or WeChat® and Twitter®. Which would be best suited to promote home products?

As social media and online marketing in general have become predominant forces in product promotion, it is incumbent on all marketing professionals to be conversant in the pros and cons of various social media platforms. In this discussion, you have the opportunity to compare some of the most highly used social media platforms used today […]

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Date: September 29th, 2022

choose a major area of business (Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Marketing, Accounting, Information Technology, etc.) to research. Discuss how the key aspects and result areas of management, and the key aspects and result areas of leadership, directly apply to your chosen area of business.

choose a major area of business (Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Marketing, Accounting, Information Technology, etc.) to research. Discuss how the key aspects and result areas of management, and the key aspects and result areas of leadership, directly apply to your chosen area of business. Support your answer with Internet research and your personal experience

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Date: September 29th, 2022

Why was H&M canceled in China?

You should have purchased the business case titled H&M in China (as part of the Harvard Business Course Pack linked in the syllabus). Your assignment around this case follows: Read and analyze the case — take notes, identify the core problem, and come to a decision on the recommendation going forward. Write up the case […]

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Date: September 29th, 2022

As this essay includes reflection, you can write in first-person perspective. You should justify your thinking by reading widely on the topic, from all types of sources, e.g., textbooks, journals, and electronic sources

ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION Reflect on and critically analyse a change you have experienced. This change can be personal or professional. This reflection and critical analysis should be written in an essay format and integrate theories and concepts from the first three topics in the unit. Word Limit – 1500 words (+/- 10%). Essay word limit does […]

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Date: September 29th, 2022

One way to locate legal cases is to do a google search with a topic followed by the words “legal case.” There is also FindLaw ( and Westlaw ( for cases and statutes.

What is a negotiable instrument and why is it beneficial to be a holder in due course? Find a case where this is an issue. Who are the parties and what is the specific issue the court is considering? Please summarize the case and provide your citation. One way to locate legal cases is to […]

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Date: September 29th, 2022