Business and Management

I do not need a title page.

Prompt: What can be done to promote creativity in individuals, work teams, and the whole work environment in the organization you work for? Please cite a minimum of three sources. Use recent sources/citations/references – no more than 5-6 years old. You can cite/reference the class textbook. All sources must be online sources. I do not […]

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Date: September 25th, 2022


A manufacturer of prefabricated homes has decided to subcontract four components of the homes. Several companies are interested in receiving this business, but none can handle more than one subcontract. The bids made by the companies for the various subcontracts are summarized in the following table. Assuming all the companies can perform each subcontract equally […]

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Date: September 25th, 2022

Develop twelve (12) interview questions to ask an executive based on what you have learned from the three videos.

As a consultant, you must be able to assess the leadership strength of people who lead organizations, departments and others. A consultant must know what good responses, experiences, and styles are so they will recognize bad responses, bad behaviors, and poor experiences for the highest level leaders. Get familiar with the types of questions that […]

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Date: September 25th, 2022

Reflect on your definition of leadership.

Instructions: Throughout the course, you have encountered definitions and theories related to leadership. You have also examined your organization and leaders through the Kouzes and Posner model and other relevant literature. As a final assignment, prepare a learning summary that incorporates the following: 1. Reflect on your definition of leadership. Has it changed? What has […]

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Date: September 25th, 2022

Based upon the readings and the cases that have been analyzed in this module, evaluate an organization’s performance management and total rewards systems against the ideal system described in the readings (include the ideal characteristics which aguinis describes).

Based upon the readings and the cases that have been analyzed in this Module, evaluate an organization’s performance management and total rewards systems against the ideal system described in the readings (include the ideal characteristics which Aguinis describes). You may use the organization that you described in M1D2. Include in your evaluation: Integration with other […]

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Date: September 25th, 2022

(available from trident online library.

Most of the sources in the background materials are library textbook chapters or journal articles. In general, these sources are considered much more credible than various random webpages that you will find online. When finding an online source, you need to carefully consider the credibility of the source. Factors to consider include the credentials of […]

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Date: September 25th, 2022

Communicating in groups: applications and skills (11th ed.).

Takata’s Reputation Use “Takata’s Reputation on the Line” (p. 214) in the textbook (Adams et al., 2021) and answer questions 1–3. What has happened to Takata since the case was written? What is the status of the cars that have defective airbags? Reference Adams, K. L., & Galanes, G. J. (2021). Communicating in groups: Applications […]

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Date: September 25th, 2022

Or a video recording tool of your choice, present your work in a short video posted to the discussion forum area.

Imagine that you are a newly recognized Scrum Master. As an individual, prepare at least two PowerPoint slides, including detailed speaker notes, that persuasively argue for using the Scrum framework in a current or future project at your present or past employer or a company you are familiar with. Unless you cite additional sources, this […]

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Date: September 24th, 2022