Posted: October 3rd, 2022

Challenges of Leading Like Jesus

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Each reply must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation in APA format.
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include textbooks, course lectures, presentations, the Bible, etc.). Each reply must include 2 questions that will futher the conversation.
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Challenges of Leading Like Jesus
Jesus set the ultimate example of servant leadership. With His disciples, He built a clear and compelling vision and then inspired and equipped them to succeed (Blanchard & Broadwell, 2018). His leadership exemplifies what it means to work with various types of people and how to successfully deploy a range of leadership styles that are dependent on the individual. Jesus built solid and personal relationships with His disciples, learning their invidious strengths, weaknesses, and personalities (Blanchard & Broadwell, 2018). He understood where they were in their journey and tailored His leadership to the individual to promote their success and personal growth and development. However, just like His truth and example were rejected during His life, so do modern organizations challenge them.
Society encourages self-serving behaviors. People are encouraged to pursue their meanings and define themselves in the pursuit of their happiness. Organizations tend to be no different. In many cases, the organization prioritizes delivering shareholder value at all costs. However, this effort usually leaves employees, customers, communities, and even shareholders displeased (Irving & Strauss, 2019). Companies must instead focus on improving the value of their products and services rather than shareholder value. Leading like Jesus, as a faithful servant leader, is the same. Leaders must focus on developing their people, moving them across a motivational spectrum from compliance spawned from extrinsic motivation to a high level of mutual commitment that stems from a deep-rooted intrinsic motivation (Irving & Strauss, 2019). As Jesus showed, this people-first approach produces exceptional results.
Diminishing Servant Leadership
As previously mentioned, modern society’s self-serving nature is a significant contributor to diminishing servant leadership. To avoid responsibility, embarrassment, or sed motivations, people will blame, gossip, show favoritism, insult, or even harass others in an environment absent of servant leadership (Blanchard & Broadwell, 2018). Without value for other people, some will view people as commodities or obstacles and seek to manipulate, avoid, or even take from them (Blanchard & Broadwell, 2018). Others may view other priorities as more critical or find other excuses for valuing themselves more than others. These toxic behaviors are compounding and tend to spread throughout an organization, eventually impacting other people that employees interact with, such as their families or the company’s customers (Blanchard & Broadwell, 2018).
Servant leaders must persevere through these mechanisms that diminish servant leadership in the workplace. Jesus practiced patience, and endurance and consistently focused on His people and their well-being (Blanchard & Broadwell, 2018). Servant leaders must model this behavior authentically and earnestly, or risk negative consequences associated with perceived hypocrisy (Irving & Strauss, 2019). It is essential that this focus remains inward and on improving their servanthood rather than focusing on others first.
Servant leaders must be the change they want to see in others first and foremost (BUSI502, 2022). Matthew 7:3-5 (NIV, 1973/2011) discusses those who focus on the speck of sawdust in the eyes of others while they have a plank in their own eye. It goes on to command that we remove the plank from our own eyes before focusing on the sawdust in the eyes of others. Similarly, Servant leaders must focus on developing their approach to servant leadership and following Christ’s example rather than concerning themselves with the behaviors or shortcomings of others.
Blanchard, K. H., & Broadwell, R. (2018). Servant leadership in action: How you can achieve great relationships and results. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
BUSI502. (2022). Servant leadership: Why lead like Jesus? [PowerPoint slides]. Liberty University.
Irving, J. A., & Strauss, M. L. (2019). Leadership in Christian perspective: Biblical foundations and contemporary practices for servant leaders. Baker Academic.
The Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. (2011). Biblica, Inc. (Original work published 1973)

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