Posted: August 19th, 2022

Changes to the Global Environment

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Competency 3:
Align human resource systems with business strategies. This reflection activity is comprised of two
sections collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. Complete your
reflections by responding to all prompts.
The business
environment changes so quickly that advice is often outdated. Assume you are a
consultant. Based on your experience and readings, think about a few
significant changes you see in the business environment today.
Analyze 3
changes that you believe will have the most impactful change for organizations.
Answer the following:
· What impacts will each of those changes have on HRM?
· What should an HR Director be doing today to be ready for the
impacts of each of those changes?
Changes to the Global Environment
organization hired you because they are planning to do business in one of the
countries listed in Table 15.2., which means their business environment will be
changing. Based on your answers to the questions above on the impact of changes
in the business environment, answer the questions below.
· Which of those countries fascinates you the most and why?
· According to the information in that table, what are the key
cultural differences between the United States and the country you chose?
· In your chosen country, how effective do you think each of the
following practices will be and why?
· Extensive assessment of individual abilities for selection
· Individually based appraisal systems
· Suggestion systems
· Self-managing work teams

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