Posted: September 8th, 2022

Chapter 1 offers an AFI Strategy Framework, and also provides a reasonable amoun

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Chapter 1 offers an AFI Strategy Framework, and also provides a reasonable amount of case information on Tesla (starting on p.5 and also includes the Chapter Case Part II, p. 24).
Additional input follows: “Tesla plans to boost its annual production capacity to one million vehicles in 2021-22 while starting operations at new plants under construction in Berlin, Germany and Texas, USA. From 2021, Tesla’s global vehicle deliveries are expected to grow by more than 50% a year on average and exceed one million units in 2022.” (May 10, 2021, Marklines). See: Marklines
Instructions: (max. 600 words)
How well do you think Tesla has applied the AFT model? Are they particularly strong in any one or two components of the model or do you feel they are fairly well-balanced? Provide data to support your view. And finally, if Elon Musk called you into his office for advice, what suggestions might you offer, if any?

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