Posted: August 31st, 2022

Chapter 7 of your textbook highlights one of the paradoxical challenges for leaders in healthcare. On one hand, addressing poor results from a culture audit or proactively shifting culture requires a leader who can “implement widespread cultural change in healthcare organizations as soon as possible” (p. 138).

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Chapter 7 of your textbook highlights one of the paradoxical challenges for leaders in healthcare. On one hand, addressing poor results from a culture audit or proactively shifting culture requires a leader who can “implement widespread cultural change in healthcare organizations as soon as possible” (p. 138). On another hand, one of the promising approaches to change, Evidence-Based Management (EBM), is notably “time-consuming to implement” (p. 138). After reading CH 7, this week’s additional readings (in your Instructional Resources), and watching the video (below), discuss the following questions: How can Healthcare leaders balance the tensions between proactive and timely change with more systematic and slow-moving processes like EBM?
What unique challenges must leaders implementing EBM consider to develop employee trust and buy-in at different stages of the EBM process?

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