Posted: November 7th, 2022

Choose 3 characters that demonstrate your perspective.

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New Othello essay prompts
Characters in this play all seem to appear as a certain kind of character, but by the end of the play have seemed to become a completely different type of person. In a 5 paragraph essay explore whether these characters are simply trying to appear one way, but in reality are another, or if their perception of self has changed and why. Either idea should conclude with what that means for the kind of character they are at the end of the play. Choose 3 characters that demonstrate your perspective.
This play is a tragedy, which mostly means everyone dies in some tragic way by the end of the play. In a 5 paragraph essay consider the different ideas of whether or not characters receive a fate that is justified or is a result of some sort of justice. You need to be able to answer whether or not a character’s fate is deserved, and explain why or why not. Choose 3 characters that demonstrate your perspective.
This play, like many a play and novel, is heavily thematic. Consider all the themes we have discussed in this play and how they might tie into the idea of corruption and decay. In a 5 paragraph essay consider what causes characters to lose their understanding of morality, their ability to use logic, and their definitions of what is right and wrong? Choose 3 characters who have been corrupted or emotionally decayed in some way.
1 introduction
3 body paragraph
2 citation per body paragraph
2 citations of the book

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