Posted: November 2nd, 2022

Choose a case, from the newsroom, no more than three months old on a specific discrimination case from the eeoc newsroom (found on the home page of the website).

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The length of this essay should be between 2-3 pages, double-spaced, and in full conformance with the APA style guide for references.
Before beginning this paper, you must:
Watch the video tour of the EEOC website.
Go to the EEOC website at EEOC.GOV. Choose a case, from the Newsroom, no more than three months old on a specific discrimination case from the EEOC Newsroom (found on the home page of the website).
Detailed essay instructions and the rubric are attached below.
EEOC Essay Instructions-1.docx
Essay #1 EEOC Case- Rubric.docx
This essay paper will help you to better understand the material in this week’s module. Please apply material from the text readings, videos, and article for this week.
Please use the following format for the file name. last name_first initial_ assignment number (ex. Aeschleman_M_1).
Please carefully review the guidelines as well as the attached rubric.
Assignments must be submitted as a Word document. DO NOT SUBMIT A PDF FILE.
All assignments will be checked for plagarism.

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