Posted: July 3rd, 2022

Choose a modern film, book, or TV series based on the Ancient World. You could watch Ben-Hur, Gladiator, Alexander, Life of Brian, 300, Troy… there are so many choices!

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You will need to make a 10 slide PowerPoint presentation on the topic of how the ancient world is presented in modern times. For this project I want you to:
Choose a modern film, book, or TV series based on the Ancient World. You could watch Ben-Hur, Gladiator, Alexander, Life of Brian, 300, Troy… there are so many choices! You will then research about the time period and characters covered in the movie, and then compare them to what we know about these events in reality. If the movie you choose is based on fiction from the past, like Troy, you can compare the original source with its modern copy.
Follow these steps:
1. Choose a movie about the ancient past. Watch it.
2. Do some research about the time period or work of literature covered by the movie you choose. Try to evaluate how accurate the movie you watched is. Think about why the modern producers of the film decided to portray the ancient world in the way that they did.
3. Create a PowerPoint of at least 10 slides to display, with words and images, the movie your chose, your thoughts on its accuracy and/or faithfulness to the original, and your reflections on why the producers decided to present the ancient world in the way that they did.

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