Posted: July 11th, 2022

Choose one of the following methods of business communication: texting, email, memorandum, letter, business proposal, report, the CV, or a sales message. Define and describe its key features and share a time when you used one of these methods of communication in a business setting

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The reading guide is Chapter 9 pages 324-367; Chapter 15 pages 582-584 (meetings) of the PDF I have uploaded.
Discussion Post:
Choose one of the following methods of business communication: texting, email, memorandum, letter, business proposal, report, the CV, or a sales message. Define and describe its key features and share a time when you used one of these methods of communication in a business setting. How was the message received? Did you receive positive or negative feedback from the receiver of the message? In hindsight, was there anything that you could have done to improve the quality of the message?
When discussing the second question, keep the principles of effective written communication outlined in Chapter 9 in mind.
Your post should be no less than 250 words. At the end of your post, please indicate the word count. If you are using references, please use the proper citation rules.
Learning journal:
Copy and paste the most recent version of your CV into the Learning Journal area. According to the principles of CV writing laid out in the textbook, how does your CV measure up? Is it missing anything? Are there elements that are out of order? Which out of the four categories of CV’s is yours? (Reverse Chronological, Functional, Combination, Targeted or Scannable) It is important to be as honest as possible regarding your CV in order to identify certain areas that could stand improvement.
In addition to this task, please include a vocabulary list of unfamiliar words from the required readings and provide definitions. Remember to cite the sources of these definitions.
I have also uploaded my last CV for this assognment.

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