Posted: February 24th, 2022

Clearly there are cases in which there is an absolute victim. In three to five pages (double-spaced), please select a crime of this sort and discuss the theories of how justice is “achieved” 1) in the traditional, due-process model of adversary justice,

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Clearly there are cases in which there is an absolute victim. In three to five pages (double-spaced), please select a crime of this sort and discuss the theories of how justice is “achieved” 1) in the traditional, due-process model of adversary justice, 2) as victims’ rights advocates see an ideal system, and, 3) through restorative justice. Which of these theories do you prefer? Why?
For those of you who select crimes involving children, please do not forget to differentiate the idea of justice for the “victim” and justice for the adults involved. For example, some may say that executing those that harm children is “just” in a retributive manner, but does a child understand retribution and death?
Paper should be approximately 5 pages in length. Be sure to document your sources in APA or MLA style.

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