Posted: February 24th, 2022

communicate with Yemeni user for promoting IT business

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you have to prepare a comprehensive project on communication skill.
the paper must be 30 pages
use APA style (you know it from ENGL 250)
the topic is “communicate with Yemeni user for promoting IT business ”
the steps :
– prepare outline to approve
– explain how will you do data collection
– write the paper in APA style
– prepare ppt for presentation
– make a video presentation on the ppt
evaluation will be done on the above mentioned basis.
I need to get an outline first to approve it with my professor.
I could send you somthing that i found online .. but how that promotion strategy should be document. I know what IT does and give servises.
Thats what i found online about markiting business

The Ultimate Marketing Plan Template (+ 7 Useful Examples)

Then i will send you what IT business does like services to promot that

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