Posted: January 31st, 2023

 Company – Berkshire Hathaway  1.  Provide a brief summary of your company’s str

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 Company – Berkshire Hathaway 
1.  Provide a brief summary of your company’s strategy (do not copy word for word from your discussion post) and how it is impacted by the organization’s structure as well as the environmental factors you outlined in your first milestone.
2.  Describe the strategy of at least one of your company’s top three competitors and how their strategy is impacted by the environmental factors you outlined in your first milestone.
3.  Critically assess both strategies. Consider the following questions to help develop a full assessment:
a.  How are the strategies the same?
b.  How do the strategies differ?
c.  Are they impacted by the structure of the organization?
d.  Are they impacted by the same environmental factors?
e.  Is one better than the other? Or more successful than the other?
f.  What could your company change to improve their strategy?
Your second milestone submission should follow APA format, be well supported with a minimum of five recent sources, and be a minimum of four pages long.

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