Posted: June 20th, 2022


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2 PART DISCUSSION POST: Company is COMCAST CORPORATION. See previous assignment attached for reference.
Part 1: Prompt:
Today’s world of business is significantly impacted by technological advances. This blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological world is referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR). Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the internet of things (IoT), 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies impact the way work gets done, how products are produced, and how companies achieve their objectives. Regardless of the company’s size, age, or industry, advances in technology such as artificial intelligence are making their way into the daily practices of companies, and companies must consider the implications of the Fourth IR when developing strategic plans.
Consider the role these advances can play in your selected company’s strategic planning. Then, compose your initial post by addressing the following guidelines:
Provide a brief overview of the company you have chosen for your project; where is it headquartered, and what are the services or products it provides?
Pick an aspect of the Fourth IR (advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, the internet of things, 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, or another technology).
How could this impact a company’s strategic planning?
Specifically, how could this aspect play a role in the strategic planning for your company?
Within your company, what are two dangers of this aspect of the Fourth IR?
Part 2: Briefly Respond to this student below answering:
In what way(s) do you agree or disagree with their assessments of the impact of their chosen aspects of the Fourth IR on their strategic plans?
How might other aspects of the Fourth IR impact their strategic plans, their companies, or both?
Hi all,
It is hard to believe we are at the end of the semester, I definitely enjoyed being in this class.
Overview of the company.
Airbus SE is the company I selected for my project. This fortune 500 company is one of Europe’s largest aerospace corporations. Airbus headquarters is located in Leiden, Netherland’s. Airbus has over 130,000 employees around the world. They design, manufacture, and sell airliners, some of its divisions, services and products include commercial airliners, helicopter, military defense, space, and cyber security. The company believes “the future of aerospace is autonomous, connected and zero-emission.” (Airbus, 2021).
Fourth IR
In order to make aerospace autonomous Airbus has been focusing on artificial intelligence (AI), this is the cutting edge of technology advancement, “it is a ubiquitous future technology with the potential to redefine all areas of our society.” (Airbus, 2021). Implementing AI technology can specifically change the way Airbus SE applies there strategic plan over the next five years, it can change their manufacturing process, improve productivity, enhance the work force, and increase profits. Most importantly AI integration into the aerospace industry can change the way aviation and space exploration operate.
AI has a lot of potential, however there is also dangers associated with implementing this type of technology. The application of AI and automation into a business means, AI automated systems are taking the place of human workers and increasing unemployment. This by default can also create issues with economic inequality. Airbus is using AI for knowledge extraction, quantum computing, data anomaly detection, solving complex problems, designing interactive language systems and integration into flight systems. Airbus is working on incorporating AI into autonomous flight. This “has the potential to deliver increased fuel savings, reduce the operating costs of airlines, and support pilots in their strategic decision-making and mission management.” (Airbus, 2021).

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