Posted: July 12th, 2022

compare and contrast the benefits/challenges of in-person, hands-on learning with online, self-paced learning.

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Original Topic: compare and contrast the benefits/challenges of in-person, hands-on learning with online, self-paced learning.
Need a response post written to the following post.
training methods require active participation from the trainee in an
in-person or self-paced learning environment. Each technique presents
unique learning opportunities; however, each also presents challenges.
Therefore, the following is a comparison of the two learning methods.
Online, self-paced
self-paced learning is also known as distance learning. Many people
have sought distance education opportunities since COVID-19 hit in 2020.
For instance, “the number of undergraduate students enrolled in at
least one distance education course was 97 percent higher in 2020 than
prior to the pandemic in fall 2019” (NCES, 2022). Educational
institutions and students were not alone in seeing the benefits of
online education; as a result, organizations across the globe saw the
benefits of online, self-paced learning.
quickly learned that online, self-paced learning provided unique
opportunities like scheduling flexibility, reductions in cost due to
less travel and instructor expenses, and increased networking
opportunities (National University, 2022). However, online, self-paced
learning is not without challenges. An effective learning environment
“requires the ability to guide one’s own learning activities” (Tullis
& Benjamin, 2011). Thus, it requires self-motivation. Therefore, an
organization wanting to implement an online, self-paced learning
environment must consider two things to promote an effective learning
platform. First, learners must be able to apply effective learning
strategies, and second, the organization must use some monitoring
variation (Tullis & Benjamin, 2011). In addition to self-motivation,
another challenge is potential distractions. Distractions are more
difficult to control in the online environment, creating issues with the
ability to stay focused.
In-person, hands-on
though online, self-paced learning is becoming popular, there is still a
need for the traditional in-person, hands-on learning environment.
In-person, hands-on learning is preferred due to the distraction-free
environment that online learning does not always provide. The in-person
method allows for a more controlled environment, minimizing distractions
and giving students a better opportunity to focus. In addition,
everyone learns differently, so a hands-on learning environment is
necessary for students to experience the transfer of knowledge required
to gain the skill set needed for the job.
the online environment, in-person also presents challenges. Some of the
challenges of the in-person, hands-on method are less schedule
flexibility and increased costs in travel and instructor expenses.
However, regardless of the method used, it is essential to understand
that every student is different. Some students will flourish on an
online platform, whereas others will struggle. Therefore, understanding
the dynamics of the students involved in the learning process is
necessary to select the best learning method.
Question: Are
setting deadlines necessary throughout the course if self-motivation is
required for effective online learning? How do you motivate students to
complete tasks/assignments promptly if deadlines are not implemented?
National University. (2022). Pros & Cons of Online vs. In-Person Learning. National University.
NCES. (2022). The NCES Fast Facts Tool provides quick answers to many education questions (National Center for Education Statistics).
National Center for Education Statistics; National Center for Education
Tullis, J. G., & Benjamin, A. S. (2011). On the effectiveness of self-paced learning. Journal of Memory and Language, 64(2), 109–118.

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