Posted: April 4th, 2022

Comparison essay: What visual elements make the artworks different?

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Comparison essay: What visual elements make the artworks different? What do these differences and similarities reveal? How?
Visit an art exhibition in person. Choose two works that share at least one specific quality. This can be the subject matter, individual style, colors, materials, theme, mood, message, etc.
Find at least 3 visual aspects that you will discuss in both the works. Arrange your essay, accordingly, elaborating on each aspect in both the works in the same paragraph or adjoining paragraphs. Do NOT analyze one work and then the other. Use visual and content analysis to show how the works arrange visual elements to produce similar or different results.
Consult the “The comparison paper” sample from Anne D’Alleva, Look! The Fundamentals of Art History (Pearson, 2010), p. 80-83. Notice how the example combines both visual elements and aspects of the subject matter to articulate what one is seeing. Be specific. Use elements you see in the works. Describe, analyze, and compare them.
Write at least 2 pages – double-spaced, in 12-point font, with 1-inch margins.
Write in your own words. This is not a research paper or group project!
Introduce the premise for your comparison. What does this comparison show?
Be sure to include specific information about the works: artist, title, date, medium, location.
Provide and follow a thesis: what is your argument, how do the VISUAL details show it, why is this important!
Elaborate on the supportive VISUAL details, at least three of them.
Provide a conclusion.
Include a heading and title (optional).
Include a selfie as proof of your visit!
Make a sketch at the exhibition.
Take detailed notes and organize them before you begin writing.
Edit your work!

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