Posted: March 13th, 2022

Competency Identify the major concepts of selected nursing theories.

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Identify the major concepts of selected nursing theories.
Differentiate the components of the research process.
Compare research methodologies.
Explain the relationship between research, theory, and evidence-based practice.
Propose an evidence-based solution aligned with an evidence-based practice question.
Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.
As a BSN prepared Registered Nurse in a large academic medical center, you have applied to serve on a research team. One of the roles of the research team within your institution is to develop innovative approaches that enhance client experience and improve health outcomes. You recognize that one way you can impact client care is by participating on this team and providing evidence-based recommendations regarding the policies and procedures within the organization. As part of the interview process, you are asked to prepare a presentation explaining the relationship between research, theory, and evidence-based practice.
Create a detailed presentation for the research team that includes the following information. Be sure to include the permalink to the article in your presentation.
Locate a current research article that meets defined criteria including:
Current, no more than 5 years old
From a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal
Relevant to clinical nursing practice
Summarize the research design.
Describe how the identified theory defines the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm.
Critically appraise the identified research study.
Explain the relationship between the research, the theory used to guide the study, and an evidence-based practice recommendation that resulted from the research.
Thank you for submitting this first submission for this deliverable for the NUR3643 course. For your next submission (submit changes in red), you have up to 3 deliverable submissions. I know it is shocking to see a “1”, but you are on the right track. Please accept the feedback and recommendations provided below. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Professor Trujillo.
You did a great job with the theory! See below for help. I have had students that will do the research summary like this:
Participants: Nurses
Setting: Hospital in FLorida
Intervention: Bedside rounding
Well done on providing a current and relevant to nursing research article that meets all the defined criteria. Score 4. This is from a peer-reviewed study and is recent. Great way to start!
Unfortunately a summary specific to the research design was missing from the document you submitted. Score 1.
It is stated that this was a qualitative study, which is partially correct. This is actually a review of many studies and it had both qualitative and quantitative studies. I like that you included what types of studies were included, but I do not know what was done in this study and the findings were not presented
Be sure to answer:What was the objective of the study? Who was in the study? Where was the study done? What was the intervention (if there was one)? What data was collected? How was it collected/measured? What was the sample size? What were the findings?
What was the inclusion and exclusion criteria? How were the studies searched?
This is a good start- often finding the study can be the most challenging! The methodology, or the how the study was done, was missing what was done in the study. This is so important in this course! Imagine telling someone how to make a recipe, but leaving out all of the steps it took to make it- describing studies is the same concept.
Example of a summary: This was a qualitative study with a grounded theory approach that looked at the effect of breastfeeding education classed on the duration of breastfeeding. There was a sample size of 50 prenatal mothers who were randomized to 1/2 getting a breastfeeding class before delivery of their baby and the other half not receiving the class. Initiation rates were recorded after birth, and evaluated if mothers were still breastfeeding at 2, 4, and 6 months. The information was collected by chart review, and survey. The results were analyzed using descriiptive analysis. The study found that 52% of the mothers that initiated breastfeeding at birth, were still breastfeeding at 6 months.
You did an excellent job detailing how the identified theory defines the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm. This is an important element in this module. Score 4.
You have included statements that explain the environment, patient, nurse, and health. This area is completely met.
The document shows a basic descriiption specific to the critical appraisal of the identified research study. To improve in this section please add more of your insights to reflect an understanding of rationale and credibility Score 2 There was 2 strengths and 1 weakness presented. For master at least 2 of each should be present with all having rationale on why it is a strength or a weakness. Also to add is a discussion on credibility- why is this study believable?
Strength of how the study was designed
1 Diverse THis had rationale
2 Different locations This has rationale
Weakness of how the study was designed
1 Different phases of pandemic- why is this a weakness?
Meaning of the findings? What are the findings? THey were not stated
Unfortunately, there is no clearly stated discussion of the detailed explanation of the relationship between the selected research study, the theory used to guide the study, and an evidence-based practice recommendation that resulted from the research. Score 1. There is a start here, but this is where you . This is where you highlight the findings of the study how the nursing theory applies to the research, and the EVP practice
Research- the highlights of the research are not discussed
THeory had a good discussion
Recommendations are very generalized. What preventive measures? How will it be implemented?
1.However, on this slide you want to discuss the findings from the research. Example: The study on breastfeeding found that education on breastfeeding prenatally increased the duration of breastfeeding.
2. Then apply the theory to the research. Watson’s theory focused on caring and support for the patient and this is able to be applied to the research because the breastfeeding education acts as a form of support for new mothers. This theory can provide a healing environment for mothers.
3. Your practice Recommendation
Based on the theory and research discussed, a breastfeeding education session is suggested for all new mothers that choose to breastfeed.
The document you shared reflected a formal style throughout. There were no spelling or grammar errors noted, and APA format was used, when appropriate, in the work you submitted. Great job! Score 4. . I really liked the headings on your slides. This was a big presentation and that helped keep the information organized
It is evident that you put much effort into this final, comprehensive deliverable. I know it is a large and complex assignment. Unfortunately, it will have to be resubmitted as a minimum of 2 must be achieved in each area of the rubric to pass this assignment/course. Please review the above feedback as well as the rubric to ensure you are meeting the full requirements of this assignment. It would be helpful to also revisit module content to fully grasp the concepts that are required to be addressed in this final submission. I look forward to reviewing your next submission.

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