Posted: October 18th, 2022

complete a disparate impact analysis with some straightforward pass rate figures.

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I am going to jump ahead some and have you focus on Exercise 6.1. It connects somewhat to your 3.2 exercise. It asks you to complete a disparate impact analysis with some straightforward pass rate figures. Please complete the following:
1, Using the numbers in the scenario, answer question 1.
2, Provide your comments on the interview process design by answering question 5.
3. Research the types of errors that can influence decision making in a negative way during the interview process, such as: halo/horn, contrast effect, recency effect, central tendency, leniency, strictness,….Provide a definition and example of each error. How would your interview process design in your answer to question 5 help to avoid these errors? You paper should be no more than 3 pages.

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