Posted: October 6th, 2022

complete and present one WSJ Brief that illustrates the strategy concepts we are learning and provides an example of strategy in action.

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Over the course of the semester, each team will complete and present one WSJ Brief that illustrates the strategy concepts we are learning and provides an example of strategy in action. The Brief will be on one the following topics as assigned:
WSJ Brief 1: External environmental trends and strategy (Team 1)
WSJ Brief 2: Competitive advantage and strategy (Team 2)
WSJ Brief 3: Business-level strategy (Achieving a Cost Advantage) (Team 3)
WSJ Brief 4: Business-level strategy (Achieving a Differentiation Advantage) (Team 4)
For the Brief, all members of the team must find an article that illustrates the specific concept being addressed. For example, for WSJ Brief 1 you might find an article on how digital transformation is impacting the retail apparel industry or how the growing senior population is impacting Pulte Home’s strategy. Each member should write a paragraph summarizing the trend they identified and its impact on an industry or a specific company. The team should meet to review and discuss each team members’ contribution and then prepare a 1-2 page Wall Street Journal Brief to include:
PART I: Importance of the Topic: Why the topic is important (e.g., why is it important to understand environmental trends when formulating strategy).
PART II: Industry/Company Examples: The industries or companies discussed and how their actions relate to the topic (bulleted paragraphs).
PART III: Learnings: A synthesis of what you learned from seeing these real-life examples.
Attach to the Brief the titles/links to the individual articles.
The team should present their findings to the class using PowerPoint slides as appropriate. The presentation should be approximately 15 minutes.

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