Posted: February 22nd, 2022

Conduct some online research and copy a brief, judiciously selected quote from a source you identify which defines/elaborates upon the concept of humanism.

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Read about the “Renaissance” in your textbook.
Merriam-Webster ( defines HUMANISM:
devotion to the humanities : literary culture b: the revival of classical letters, individualistic and critical spirit, and emphasis on secular concerns characteristic of the Renaissance
a doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values; especially : a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism and stresses an individual’s dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason
The textbook describes humanism as fundamental to the development of the Italian Renaissance and defines it as:
more a code of civil conduct, a theory of education, and a scholarly discipline than a philosophical system.
-There are two parts to this weeks discussion question:
1.) Conduct some online research and copy a brief, judiciously selected quote from a source you identify which defines/elaborates upon the concept of humanism.
NOTE: CITE the website you use & out the text you quote in QUOTATION MARKS.
Hopefully you will all learn a little more from reading what your classmates find and post, too.
2.) Can you find ways in which the work of the great High Renaissance masters such as Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael and Michelangelo reflect “Humanist” ideas?
Select at least one work of art to illustrate/demonstrate “Humanist” concerns.
(This is a somewhat philosophical question but I believe that the trick here that will help you is to “keep it simple” – it can be quite straightforward try not to look so hard that you miss the simple answer, if you know what I mean!)

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