Posted: September 25th, 2022

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RESEARCH (Label this section)
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Consider starting out posts with, “A research article I found said,” “Did you know,” or “Three things I found interesting were… .”
CRITICAL THINKING (Label this section)
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Research As a surgical tech working in Labor and delivery I have seen many mothers asking for a tubal ligation during a Caesarean Section ( C-Section) . Tubal ligation is a medical sterillication procedure for women who are sure they don’t want a furure pregnancy. Tubal ligation is more complex procedure than a vasectomy and involves
going under general anaesthetic and several scalpel incisions. after the procedure many women will spend several hours in the hospital if the tubal ligation is performed
during a C -section the patient will stay longer . Post procedure patient will have to avoid physical activities after surgery no heavy lifting for about three weeks. This procedure also may have benefits which include a lower risk of ovarian or tubal cancers and possibly an improvement in menstrual bleeding patterns. average cost for a tubal ligation 2,880 to 5,163 according to 2021 study in reproductive health. A vasectomy a form of male birth control that cuts the supply of sperm to your semen. this procedure is performed under local anaesthetic patient has a option to pick twilight . It takes around 15 minutes and the patient is able to leave just about after
the procedure. patient can expect minor discomfort for two to three days mild swelling or bruising. physical activity should be avoided for about two weeks.
research shows that compared to a tubal ligation a vasectomy is not only simpler ,safer and more effective it also alot less expensive . vasectomy average cost 350 to 1,000. Critical thinking
Tubal ligation and vasectomies are both more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy . Why don’t more men get vasectomies if they can get it reversal if they
decide to have more children.Ultimately this comes down to lifestyle and personal choice. A vasectomy is preferable for most couples as it has lower rates of
complications, is a simpler procedure and costs less. However tubal ligation is still a very reliable and safe method of sterilisation that many women might choose to
undergo for peace of mind. If you know or suspect that you are both particularly fertile, it’s not unreasonable to undergo both procedures.

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