Posted: May 9th, 2022

Consider a working environment in hotel industry.

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Dear writer, Please answer this question. – Consider a working environment in hotel industry. It could be your current organization, an organization where you have previously worked, or an organization of your choice. Think about the role of revenue management in the organization and how it enables enhanced revenues and gross operating profit.
Now, think about the revenue management strategies the organization is currently pursuing. What kind of pricing strategy is the organization pursuing? You may make use of the public rates displayed by the organization as evidence to the current pricing strategy. Are you able to suggest an alternative pricing strategy or suggest how the current pricing strategy can be improved in revenue management context? Your suggestions should consider the COVID- 19 complications the industry is currently facing.
Write the answer detailing the current state of your chosen organization.Your answer should include a section detailing how pricing strategies are currently being deployed in the organization, as well as a section that outlines the organization’s overall pricing strategies. Include suggestions on how current pricing strategies can be improved in revenue management context. Ensure that your writing is coherent and clear.
In summary, Write about: – Specefic hotel – The hotel current pricing strategy – suggust an alternative pricing stratagy, or improve the current one

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