Posted: May 26th, 2022

Consider an organization with which you are familiar or that you have located through research that has a strong, purpose-driven mission.

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***Please follow the Week 3 Discussion Rubric.***
To prepare for this Discussion:
Consider an organization
with which you are familiar or that you have located through research that
has a strong, purpose-driven mission. Think about how the organization’s
commitment to that purpose is reflected in its business practices. Also
consider the possible strategy behind its actions (i.e., statement of its
mission, practices that reflection that mission).
Post your analysis of how
an organization’s purpose impacts its business strategy, to include the
Identify an organization
that has a strong purpose-driven mission. Include a brief description of
the organization and the purpose that drives its mission.
Provide specific details
that demonstrate how the organization “lives out” its mission.
Interpret what the
organization’s strategy might be, based on its business practices and the
statement of its mission.
Note: This isn’t
necessarily about you having the “right answer.” The point of this is to use
evidence to support your analysis.

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