Posted: November 21st, 2022

Consider some of the following organisational factors such as culture, organisational

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Prepare and present a presentation which examines the opportunities and challenges of designing
and implementing organisational change interventions for sustainable development for a proposed
change intervention for Arcadis (
The presentation should include consideration of:
how to accurately assess the need for change,
how to design change that is coherent with organisational priorities, as well as purpose and
culture, and which seeks to meet the needs of wider stakeholders.
The presentation should;
refer to and critically appraise those models, frameworks and techniques, from this module
and from your own research, which support different aspects of organisational change and
consider some of the following organisational factors such as culture, organisational
structure, improving team performance, planning/decision making.
It will be assessed against the following Module Learning (Enabling Leadership) Outcomes:
Analyse appropriate frameworks, models and techniques that support organisational change and innovation.
Please see below; at least 5 out of 9 of the following sources need to be highlighted in the reference citation and report. Especially the bolded ones must be indicated in the report;
Johansen, B., & Euchner, J. (2013). Navigating the VUCA world Links to
Research-Technology Management, 56(1), 10-15.
Arena, M., Cross, R., Sims, J., & Uhl-Bien, M. (2017). How to catalyze innovation in your organisation Links to an external site.MIT Sloan Management Review, 58(4), 38-48.
Leavy, B. (2016), “Lord John Browne: beyond CSR – why business needs to engage more radically with society”, Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 44 No. 4, pp. 32-40.
Uhl-Bien, M. (2014). Followership theory: ‘A review and research agenda’, The Leadership Quarterly, (25), pp.83-104.
Pearce, C. L. and Conger, J.A. (2003). All those years ago: the historical underpinnings of shared leadership, in Pearce C. L. & Conger, J.A. (eds.) Shared Leadership: Reframing the Hows and Whys of Leadership. Sage Publications, pp.1-18.
Liz Wiggins, & Harriet Hunter. (2016). Relational Change : The Art and Practice of Changing Organizations. Bloomsbury Business.
HBR article by John Kotter (2012 November): Accelerate,
Heifetz, R. A., & Linsky, M. (2002). A survival guide for leaders. Harvard Leaders. Harvard Business Review, 80(6), 65-74.
Pearce, C.L., Manz, C.C. & Akanno, S. (2013). Searching for the holy grail of management development and sustainability: is shared leadership development the answer?’’, Journal of Management Development, 32(3), pp. 247-257.
Leadership Without Easy Answers by Ronald Heifetz Download Leadership Without Easy Answers by Ronald Heifetz
Arena, M., Cross, R., Sims, J., & Uhl-Bien, M. (2017). How to catalyze innovation in your organization Links to an external site.. MIT Sloan Management Review, 58(4), 38-48.
Chapter 2 and 3 of Wiggins, L. & Hunter, H.. (2016). Relational Change : The Art and Practice of Changing Organizations. Bloomsbury Business.
Sticky wisdom : how to start a creative revolution at work / ?What if! The Innovation Company. Daniel Coyle, Publisher: Random House Business 2019-02-21
The culture code : the secrets of highly successful groups / Daniel Coyle. Gary Heil, Publisher: Wiley 2000-04-17
Douglas McGregor, Revisited – Managing the Human Side of the Enterprise: Revisiting the Human Side of the Enterprise, 1st edition. Frederic Laloux, Publisher: Nelson Parker 2014-02-10
Creating Social Value. Cheryl Kiser , Deborah Leipziger , J. Janelle Shubert, Publisher: Greenleaf Publishing 2014-02-21
The leadership challenge : how to make extraordinary things happen in organizations / James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner., 6th ed.
Kouzes, James M. , Posner, Barry Z.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2017
THE HUMAN SIDE OF ENTERPRISE. Douglas Mcgregor, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Asia 1972-04-01
Managers not MBAs : a hard look at the soft practice of managing and management development (electronic book). Henry Mintzberg
Mintzberg, Henry.
Publisher: Financial Times Prentice Hall 2004
Leadership : theory and practice / Peter G. Northouse., Ninth Edition.
Northouse, Peter Guy.
Publisher: SAGE 2022
Leadersmithing : revealing the trade secrets of leadership. Eve Poole, Publisher: Bloomsbury Business 2017
Relational change : the art and practice of changing organizations. Liz Wiggins and Harriet Hunter
Wiggins, Liz , Hunter, Harriet
Publisher: Bloomsbury Business, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2016
Note that Word counts include footnotes, quotes and reference citations within the text of the work. The reference list, bibliography and appendices are excluded, as are captions for images, figures or tables.

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