Posted: July 28th, 2022

Consider the implications of globalization for The Vice Wine and other California wine producers. How have the wine makers benefitted from globalization

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6 questions – 2 pages total (answer them separately) ———— Question #1: Discuss the importance of assessing political and economic risk when considering foreign direct investment. How would you gauge the current situation in Hong Kong? Explain your answer. Should companies like Oursky remain in Hong Kong or move to a new location in Asia? Explain. Question #2: Reflect on the challenges for international companies of complying with often conflicting laws and regulations of multiple countries. How should Ben Chang, CEO of Oursky, balance demands from the European Union (EU) that strict EU data protection and privacy regulations be followed, with Hong Kong’s new National Security Law requirements? Do Western businesses have an ethical obligation to relocate employees whose human rights are being compromised in Hong Kong? Question #3: Discuss the implications of Beijing’s policy towards Hong Kong. How might Beijing’s efforts to limit Hong Kong’s autonomy and the rights of its citizens change the political and economic landscape in the region? ————- Question #1: Using international trade theory, explain why winemakers in California rely on producers in China for their glass and cardboard packaging. Does this strategy still make sense? Question #2: Consider the implications of globalization for The Vice Wine and other California wine producers. How have the wine makers benefitted from globalization? How has globalization led to some of the challenges currently facing The Vice Wine? Question #3: Discuss how changes within the global environment influence strategic choices for companies. How has global environment changed for The Vice Wine? How is the company responding to those changes? Do you think the changes are long term or short term? What do they mean for global inflation?

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