Posted: February 24th, 2022

Consider the importance of MTV in the careers of so many musicians who rose to fame in the 1980s. Michael Jackson was considered multifaceted performers who rise to stardom was the direct result of MTV.

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Consider the importance of MTV in the careers of so many musicians who rose to fame in the 1980s. Michael Jackson was considered multifaceted performers who rise to stardom was the direct result of MTV. Look at Michael Jackson video Remember the time and answer the following:

Do you think that the importance of the visual medium, in this case, MTV, was a positive or negative development in the music industry?
Were there any controversies associated with the video? If so, what were they?
Do you think that music videos help encourage performing artists to be more multifaceted? Or do you think that it detracts from the quality of the music by placing so much emphasis on non-musical elements?

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