Posted: September 4th, 2022

Consider the possible conflicts between legally doing business and selling fast food, given the increasing evidence of how it is a significant contributing factor in public health, obesity, and diabetes facing many Americans.

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Using the attach document answer discussion board min 300 words:
Consider the possible conflicts between legally doing business and selling fast food, given the increasing evidence of how it is a significant contributing factor in public health, obesity, and diabetes facing many Americans. Now, based on what you’ve learned in this module, answer the following:
A) What ethical obligations, if any, do fast food companies have to consumers?
B) Does government (federal, state, or local) have a right or a responsibility to get involved in this conflict? If so, what and to what limit? If not, why not?
Provide sound reasoning for your stance and back it up with references, if possible. Your logic should be factual, not emotional. Provide references. APA style.
IMPORTANT: Provide three (3) answers labeled:
X, Y and Z with min 100 words each discussing the reason of your answer in part one
(Discussion Board)

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