Posted: November 15th, 2022

Consider their ideas on beauty, honor, and the power of choice, and how the character’s actions are in opposition to the traditional values of the middle ages.

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In Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, he uses each story to shine a light on the societal norms of the fourteenth century.
Looking specifically at the “Wife of Bath, ” analyze how through their unique experiences, the main characters come to challenge the status quo of their time. How does the outcome of The Wife of Bath demonstrate a growth mindset? What might this suggest about Chaucer’s attitudes toward traditional gender roles in 14th-century England?
Consider their ideas on beauty, honor, and the power of choice, and how the character’s actions are in opposition to the traditional values of the Middle Ages. Be sure to cite evidence from the text and the video for support.
Brief introduction with a thesis statement
Three body paragraphs

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