Posted: April 4th, 2023

Could you please help to revise and add more idea to this Spa Innovation Project

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Could you please help to revise and add more idea to this Spa Innovation Project
• Give a general description of your wellness idea.
– The collective idea the group came up with was the incorporation of dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) on-site of the spa establishment. This includes in-house therapists that offer individual and group DBT sessions. Additional services include receiving optional DBT services throughout other services such as a massage. Imagine yourself in a relaxed state while practicing mantras and affirmations.
• Identify and explain your target market and potential customers.
– This service carries the sole purpose to assist those in not only physical and spiritual wellness, but also effective mental health treatment. These combined therapies in one embodiment are created to serve those who are searching for assistance in their development of mindfulness, emotional regulation, and creating healthy coping skills.
• Identify companies, products or services that compete with your innovation or those that
could pose a barrier to entering the marketplace.
– Pacific Mind Spa is a wellness spa in Long Beach, California that offers on-site psychiatric, psychotherapy, and transcranial magnetic stimulation. This is an impressive business model as they offer much more than psychotherapy alone.
• What sets your concept submission apart? How does your innovative idea differentiate from
similar products or services already in the marketplace? How would that work out? Could you provide information about the confidentiality policy that Pacific Mind Spa has in regard to their on-site services? How do they handle group sessions?
– Introducing therapeutic modalities into the spa world reaches another level of the meaning of wellness and treatment. Therapy may potentially be seen as casually as getting a massage or a facial one day. This is the hope for all people around the globe as stigmas are created within societies that limit confidence in the effects of such practices.

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