Posted: October 12th, 2022

Create a brief SWOT analysis on Santa Barbara City College.

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IMPORTANT: Read instructions carefully, no plagiarism, and cite sources. Create a brief SWOT analysis on Santa Barbara City College. List 3-4 qualities in each area (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
Include a two-paragraph statement about:
1. What you learned about SBCC through this process
2. What you learned about the value/application of SWOT as a Manager
Remember, for Strengths and Weaknesses of SBCC, you want to address: What do they Do Well or Offer? And, What do they need to Improve?
For Opportunities, this is not about “opportunities for students.” You need to look at external factors that SBCC could take advantage of to improve the success of the college.
For Threats: Look at external factors that pose a threat to SBCC’s success.
Remember, the SWOT Analysis is like a “snapshot” of what is the situation NOW. This is not an Action Plan for what SBCC could do in the future….

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