Posted: May 5th, 2022

Create a cash disbursement journal

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I have included writings from the text book and I was able to convert PDFs for editing. Other sheets are examples.
Part 1: Read” Cash Disbursement Journal and Petty Cash” Assignment #7.1 in Plunkett’s Procedures for the Medical Administrative Assistant on page 159.
Part A: Create a cash disbursement journal as in Figure 7.2 on page 158 in Plunkett’s Procedures for the Medical Administrative Assistant and record the transactions below. Enter the items in the disbursement journal correctly using the dates with check numbers starting at 100.
Start the form January 5, 2012 and date everything appropriately.
January 5: Establish petty cash fund for $50.
5: The doctor entertained at a dinner party and spent $50 (Kelsey’s Restaurant).
5: Paid Fed Ex $7.62 for delivery of laboratory reports.
6: Purchased letterhead and envelopes $48.29 (John’s Printing).
6: Paid January rent $400 (Johnson Reality).
7: Paid car credit card charges for gas and oil $71.65 (Randy’s Garage).
7: Paid your wages $450 and janitor’s wages $280 (Brian Jones).
8: The doctor withdrew $350 for personal use.
8: Sent cheque to Ontario Hydro for $147.
9: Made $100 contribution to the Salvation Army.
10: Paid telephone bill of $56.50 (MTS).
11: Paid Sunshine Florist $25 for roses sent to the doctor’s wife for her birthday.
12: Paid your wages $450 and janitor’s wages $280 (Brian Jones.
12: Doctor withdrew $350.
13: Submitted cheque to the Receiver General of Canada for income tax $290; employment insurance, $15.18; Canada pension $12.92.
13: reimbursed petty cash $47.41.
Part B: Use your word or excel program to create a petty cash record starting with $50.00 The petty cash journal as in Figure 7.7 page 167 in Plunkett’s Procedures for the Medical Administrative Assistant
Deduct purchases; refill cash
January 5: Bought paper clips, $1.29
6: Paid for office delivery, $1.35
8: Purchased sugar, cream, and coffee, $11.27
10: Brought stamps, $30
13: Doctor’s lunch, $3.50
Part 2: Making deposits and reconciling a bank statement.
Part A: Making deposits p. 169, Assignment 7.4 Plunkett’s Procedures for the Medical Administrative Assistant
Enter the following information on a deposit slip for Dr. Plunkett: (p. see figure 7.9 on page 169 in Plunkettt’s Procedures for the Professional Administrative Assistant) date, January 13, 20__; cash $152.57 consisting of 9 ones, 4 twos, 3 fives, 6 tens, 3 twenties, and 57 cents in coin; cheques for $13.42 from E.C. Westran, $35 from C.S.A. Insurance Co. (for writing a patient history), $116.28 from W.C. Post, and $52.50 from R.A. James; account no. 6681-35; name of account, Dr. J.E. Plunkett. (you made the deposit).
Part B: Read “Bank Reconciling” Assignment 7.7 on page 173 in Plunkett’s Procedures for the Medical Administrative Assistant
Prepare a bank reconciliation statement for Dr.Plunkett using the following information. Date the statement April 1, 20__. Students may use Fig.7.12 on page 172 of Plunkett’s Procedures for the Medical Administrative Assistant. Cash account $2140 and March 31 bank statement $2012. Deposit entered in books on March 30 was not taken to the bank until March 31(amount $530). The bank sent a credit memo for $215 for interest earned on Canada Savings Bonds. The amount is shown on the account. However the memo has not yet been received, Bank service charges $6. A patient’s cheque for $50.00, included in the Marc h 27 deposit has been charged back to the bank on the statement as NSF. The patient is J.Wren Cheque no.502 was made to cash for $35 to reimburse the petty cash; this cheque is recorded in the cash payment journal as $53. The following cheques were returned by the bank with March statement: no.521 to R. Smith for $10:no.523 to J. Jones Ltd. For $50; no.524 to Metric Limited for $100 (certified on March 27); no.525 to P. Brown for $75; and no.526 to J. Smith and Company for $90.

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