Posted: July 16th, 2022

create a communication plan for your professional project.

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Hello, this is the instruction for this paper. Below each question, I put what I would like included in the paper.
this paper will be based on a Masimo EHR integration. I included some a file to give an idea of the paper.
For this assignment, you will create a communication plan for your professional project.
Effective communication ensures that stakeholders are aware of the project plan. A communication plan includes a defined process for delivering information, including what information should be disseminated, what channels will be used to deliver the information, and to which stakeholders.
Part I:
In 1,000 words, develop a project communication plan that details how your project will be communicated to the stakeholders (internal and external). Develop a draft communication document or presentation.
Meet with your mentor and any appropriate stakeholders to review your communication plan and communication document/presentation. Ensure that the communication plan is relevant to the proposed solution and appropriate for the organization.
Include the following:
1) Identify and describe the stakeholders who need to be included in the communication plan. Explain their role, why their involvement is important, and what information needs to be communicated to each stakeholder or stakeholder group.
Project manager for Mount Sinai Hospital, implementation project manager for Masimo, project coordinator, application analyst, IT director, clinical informatics team, director of nursing informatics, interface team, Biomedical department team, nursing leadership team, patient care associates, and nurses.
2) Evaluate what tools or channels are available and how these will be used to communicate information to the different stakeholders.
Email, Zoom, status report updates, project summary reports
3)Analyze the types of events that generate a need to communicate.
Delays in the project, feedback from stakeholders, target completion date and status, comments, deliverables
4)Propose who is responsible for delivering the communication and who is responsible for ensuring the information is received and comprehended. Describe how you will maintain open communication with stakeholders. Include requirements for frequency of communication, channels for feedback, expectations for stakeholders, etc.
The Project manager is responsible for delivering, receiving, and comprehending communication for the project to the stakeholders. The stakeholder is responsible for providing feedback/status of their responsibilities to the project manager. Communication will be done via zoom and email every week.
Channels of feedback- communication with the external stakeholders will be once a week and via e-mail or phone the same with internal stakeholders. Communication with end-users will be via email and we can conduct the survey

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