Posted: June 24th, 2022

Create a mission and vision statement for your company.

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This mini-project will require some time and research. You will need to glean information from the entire textbook to complete this project. The completed paper must be in APA style including cover page, in-text citations and references. You need at least three supporting references for this assignment. Your finished project should be at least 1000 words. Cover page and references are not included in overall word count. The paper needs to have one inch margins on all sides. Before/After spacing should be set to “0”. The document should be double-spaced. You need to have an inserted document header with your name and the assignment name. APA is required including cover page and references.
Submit the completed project.
Go back to the mini-project you developed in Unit #4. It will be the foundation for this assignment.
Create a mission and vision statement for your company.
Develop three short term goals for the company. The goals must utilize SMART Criteria.
Create a draft marketing plan. Identify your target market, pricing strategy, sales tactics, advertising and promotion, distribution
How will the organization be managed? Who will do what and what will their responsibilities be? Compensation? Organizational structure? How will information be communicated within the organization?
Develop a statement of ethics.
M: Management
ISBN: 9781264209552
By: Thomas S. Bateman

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