Posted: July 5th, 2022

Create a procedure to follow for reviewing article abstracts. This can be similar to a standard operating procedure or in a format you prefer. A flow chart or similar model can also be used. Assume you will use this method when you begin your own chapter 2.

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Create a procedure to follow for reviewing article abstracts. This can be similar to a standard operating procedure or in a format you prefer. A flow chart or similar model can also be used. Assume you will use this method when you begin your own chapter 2.
Begin your procedure with the following:
Include at least three steps for determining if the abstract has the main points related to your topic.
Outline how or what you will look for in the abstract. This information will be what prompts you to open the full-text article.
In the next step of the procedure:
Develop a plan or visual tool to take notes about each search engine, main theme, URL, and a section of the chapter this would be used.
For example, chapter 2 begins with an introduction for the reader about your topic, next to a paragraph of how and where you found the literature, then the theoretical or conceptual framework, and then finally the main content of the chapter. The main content is categorized by you and how your literature develops.
Length: 1-2 pages, plus title and reference pages
References: Include a minimum of five (5) scholarly resources.

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