Posted: February 19th, 2022

Crime and Criminology A shooting in Ferguson: Michael Brown

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Discussion Forum 2: Crime and Criminology
A shooting in Ferguson: Michael Brown
1. How do you interpret this case in the context of the consensus view of crime? Is there a consensus in the American society about Wilson’s verdict? Has justice been served in this case? What is needed to complete the justice process?
2. What would be changes you propose, if you had the political power to change the justice system to make cases such as the Brown’s killing one to be perceived by most members of society that there is consensus, and that the Justice System ethically and fairly served its purpose?
3. Share with the class a question that came to your mind while reviewing Chapter 1.
4.  use a minimum of two in-text citations from the assigned chapter to support your points. This in-text citation must correctly follow the MLA style

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