Posted: February 5th, 2022

crisis intervention

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Supporting Antonio and his Grandmother
Antonio is a 17-year old young man who lives in the inner-city of Chicago. Last night, he witnessed the fatal shooting of a female classmate. Concerned about Antonio’s psychological and emotional wellbeing, Antonio’s grandmother brought him to the community mental health clinic.
As a Human Services Professional who has training in crisis intervention, you begin to interact with Antonio. Though responsive throughout the session, Antonio refuses to hold back his tears any longer and says, “Man, she didn’t deserve that. All my friends are dying. Why do I have to feel like there is no way out?” Antonio excuses himself to go to the restroom to dry his face.
Antonio’s grandmother says, “What do I do? How do I help him? Please, please, please, I’m begging you; how can I help my grandson?” Moments later, Antonio walks back into your office.
In your initial post, address the following:
As the Human Services Professional, how would you respond to Antonio and what would you recommend to Antonio’s grandmother?
Explain two things you would avoid saying/doing during your professional interactions with Antonio?

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