Posted: April 28th, 2022

C‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ritical Evaluation for Pharmacy Management Essentials Course

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C‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ritical Evaluation for Pharmacy Management Essentials Course Write a short critical evaluation essay that includes the following: 1- What do you think was good in the course? 250 words. 2- What do you think could be improved in the course or where do you think there is a weakness? 250 words. 3- Final summary. 100 words. Some suggested points I wrote: I think that the good thing about the course is: 1- Dividing the students into 4 groups, enhances the spirit of cooperation. 2- Each time a spokesperson answers the group, as well as each time this spokesperson changes, allowing all the group members to speak and participate. 3- Also, in this course, I think that good relations were built between students, which is not the case in most other courses because the group members are fixed throughout the course, this increases the chances of bonding and strengthens it among the members of each group. 4- External lecturers were also hosted via Zoom, which helped in adding new concepts to the topics that were raised, such as contracts, which helps students to understand the nature of work contracts after graduation and how to write the best CV to contribute to obtaining a better job in the field of pharmacy. As well as a lecture on work in remote areas, as it clarified many ambiguous points for students in this regard, for example, the student can learn about the nature of work in remote areas, which is different from working within the city. 5- One of the points that I liked is that the course coordinator gave the students the freedom to choose between attending face-to-face or studying online, which is not usually the case i‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍n other courses. The weakness or the thing that could be improved: 1- The course is intensive, as the number of study days is 3 days a week, and every day is 3 hours for 4 weeks, and this causes great pressure on the student. 2- Most of the information and theories in the course focus on the theoretical part and do not contain practical applications. For example, the inclusion of the names of international companies and the way they are managed, the inclusion of the names of real, successful managers from reality, and an explanation of how each of these managers was able to achieve success and how it became influential and motivating for those who work in his company. 3- Break time is irregular and most of the time it is short. 4- If any students are absent from only one session, they have been asked to write an essay and that is a kind of illogical and not realistic. If that can be modified so if students’ absence is two or more sessions, that may be more logical and realistic. 5- The number of students in groups is not equal. Some groups have more students than others, and this may make their participation easier and stronger than other groups that contain fewer students. Final summary: In summary, the course is useful and contains valuable lectures explaining personality patterns and delving into that as well as explaining many important theories in management, and there is a beautiful link between management and pharmacy, and this is an important thing as the pharmacist needs to manage the pharmacy workers and needs to know all the topics That were addressed in the course to be able to do so in the correct practical mann‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍er.

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