Posted: August 24th, 2022

CSR requires companies to ensure they are always working towards four pillars of societal accountability: economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic.

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CSR requires companies to ensure they are always working towards four pillars of societal accountability: economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic.
you will publish an informative essay that makes the connection between a theoretical understanding of CSR and how it is reflected in the strategies of a real organization. Outcomes evaluated through this assignment include
Using your research skills, locate and cite the CSR policy of one well-known public company.
Referring to your selected company’s CSR initiatives, identify which pillars of responsibility they seem most focused on: economic, legal, ethical, or philanthropic. Give at least two specific examples.
Research the mission statement of your chosen company. Describe how the company’s mission statement aligns with its CSR policy. Give at least three specific examples.
The paper is required to include an introduction, conclusion and be at least two double-spaced pages in length, using 11-point Georgia font.
For assistance writing a paper or formatting a reference list in APA format, please see the Academic Writer link under Academic Tools.
Reference the course textbook and a minimum of one article from the Purdue University Global Library.

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