Posted: September 12th, 2022

Culture in the global environment

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My topic is Hewlett Packard and have 11 topics to choose from and need to cover atleast 5
Global Management Research
Select a global company that operates in at least four countries. Select a minimum of 5 of the following topics to write about your chosen company. You are free to select more than five areas. The topics include:
Monitoring the Environment
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Ethics
Environmental Sustainability
Culture in the Global Environment
Corporate Communications
Negotiations Across Cultures
Formulating and/or Implementing Global Strategy
Organizational Structure and Human Resources
Global Managers and/or Team Development
Leadership in the International Environment
In your research, include a header indicating each area you’ve selected. For each topic, be sure to discuss what you believe the organization is doing well and where it needs to improve. Use the concepts and theories you have learned to analyze the international business strategy of the organization you chose. Indicate why you believe your decisions will help the organization in the future.
Your paper should be 7-8-pages in length and conform to APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Include at least five scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The sources should be attributed when the material is not original or common knowledge. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these references.
The aparamenters and the instruction about length nd references

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