Posted: September 2nd, 2022

Cummings, T. & Worley, C. (2014). Organization development and change (10th ed.). Cengage Learning

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New Post by Angela Dale: Planned change is more likely to flourish if the process is supported by techniques for success. These elements include motivating change, creating a vision, developing political support, managing the transition, and sustaining momentum (Cummings & Worley, 2014, pg. 180). Motivating change includes being a support system for employees and encouraging everyone to embrace changes. Creating a vision is important because employees benefit from seeing the end goal or what gain they might achieve from being involved. Developing political support is vital because the process flows more smoothly with support from interested parties. Managing the transition can include procedures that help ensure efficiency and ensure progress can be easily tracked and determined if changes are needed throughout the process. Sustaining momentum ensures the team is still on track throughout the change process and will finish on time with the same goals in mind. OD practitioners ensure the change process is on track by being available to support team members and their needs, ensuring resources are readily available, celebrating achievements, and ensuring short term goals are being consistently met. I see these elements in my business career. My supervisor has weekly check-ins with each of us to ensure not only that we’re meeting our weekly goal that will ensure we meet our monthly goal, but also to give praise and thank us for the work we do and have done.
Cummings, T. & Worley, C. (2014). Organization development and change (10th ed.). Cengage Learning
New Post by Jeffrey Dupree: Understanding planned change and the key elements of change. Planned change can yield success or negative results or impacts. Thornton wrote that planned changes often address symptoms, not the underlying root cause of the problems, and therefore meaningful improvements do not occur (Thornton et al., 2007, para. 2). The five key elements for successful change is Motivating Change by creating an atmosphere for organization to be ready. Creating a Vision by developing a course or a pattern for the future. Developing support by providing resources for change and identifying change agent. Managing the Transition by communicating and actively planning the transition and following up on the process. Sustaining the Momentum by reinforcing policies and procedures and staying on task.
OD can stay on track by anticipation of performance and productivity. They can plan and become proactive to make sure that the organization is steady and performing. OD need to not be to focus on what ahead and stay in the here and now. I have seen these issues in my current position, that when introducing new equipment allows OD to overlook new opportunities and pigeonhole themselves to one area and neglect others areas.
Thornton, Bill, et al. “A systems approach to school improvement: program evaluation and organizational learning.” Education, vol. 128, no. 1, fall 2007, pp. 48+. Gale In Context: Biography, Accessed 31 Aug. 2022.

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