Posted: February 9th, 2022


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First document:

Explain how the implementation of public key infrastructure, access controls, and threat analysis would be vital in reducing the cybersecurity impact of the Target data breach. Include current IT governance, change configuration, budgeting, and other risk factors that may prevent Target from becoming a victim of cybercrime. The responses should be four pages in length, not including the title or reference pages and using APA style guidelines.

Second document:

There are numerous tools/techniques that allow hackers to gather a considerable amount of information about a target.Write a short paper on footprinting by answering all the following: What is the objective of footprinting? What are some various footprinting tools/techniques? What type of information can these footprinting tools/techniques provide? How can organizations defend against footprinting and reconnaissance activities?The responses should be four pages in length, not including the title or reference pages and using APA style guidelines,
Requirements: 4 pages for each

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