Posted: September 24th, 2022

• define and demonstrate course knowledge and understanding of the above subjects (standing, jurisdiction and civil v. criminal law)

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Write a 1-2 page paper that finishes the statement “There should be a law that…” Please explain:
• Your new law; • What is standing and who would have standing to sue under your law?
• What is jurisdiction? What court would have jurisdiction? What kind and Why? • What would be the punishment for violation of your law? (i.e. Civil Damages v. Criminal Punishment)
• What is the difference between the Civil law and Criminal law?
• Define and Demonstrate course knowledge and understanding of the above subjects (Standing, Jurisdiction and Civil v. Criminal law)
• Apply the course knowledge to your law
• A minimum of 1 full page of explanation
• Double spaced, 12 point font, using Arial or Times New Roman with 1 inch margins.

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