Posted: May 5th, 2022

Define the two effects that accompany motivating operations

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1. What are the elements of the three-term contingency? Give an example of reinforcement or punishment that describes the operation with respect to the three terms.
2. State a similarity and difference between positive and negative reinforcement. Provide examples that refer to the same response.
3. State a similarity and difference between positive and negative punishment. Provide examples that refer to the same response.
4. What are the benefits of using observable and measurable terms to describe behaviors and intervention outcomes?
5. Discuss the importance of selecting a replacement behavior when reducing or eliminating target behavior.
6. Compare and contrast the SD and MO. Include an example of a four-term contingency to illustrate the similarities and differences between the two concepts.
7. Explain automatic reinforcement and provide a novel example of it.
8. Define the two effects that accompany motivating operations. Explain the effects in detail as they relate to reinforcers and punishers.
9. Why is it important to understand why a behavior occurs before implementing a treatment to change it? Provide an example of how treating a problem behavior before understanding its function can be problematic.
10. Completing an FBA can lead to three main strategies for modifying environmental variables associated with problem behavior. Give an example of each type of modification, with respect to a single hypothetical behavior.

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